Spring mvc + hibernate todolist app
Spring mvc + hibernate todolist app

We will annotate this class with It is Persistence layer(Data Access Layer) of application which used to get data from the database. Now let’s create an implementation class StudentDAOImpl, inside the DAO package, Public void saveStudentObj(Student studentObj) Next step is to create an interface, StudentDAO inside the DAO package, We will annotate this class with annotation It defines that a class can be mapped to a table. Now, create a Model class inside the entity package, Next step is to configure the Spring and Hibernate inside the spring-servlet.xml file

spring mvc + hibernate todolist app

Web.xml is a Deployment Descriptor which means, it is the entry point to our application, when we run the application, the web container will search for the web.xml and it will scan the entire file. Next step is to create a property file inside the src folder, Next step is to create a dynamic project in Eclipse, and set up a structure like this, Id int not null primary key auto_increment,

spring mvc + hibernate todolist app

Let’s create a table inside the database, execute the following command, create table student( To select the database, execute the following command, use bookdb

spring mvc + hibernate todolist app

NOTE: I am using MySQL Database, you can use any other Database you want.Įxecute the following command inside the MySQL, create database bookdb Let’s first Create a Database for our application, So today in this article, let’s discuss these two frameworks and build a complete CRUD Application. Along the side, Hibernate is also one of the most popular ORM Framework, combining these two frameworks we can build Scalable, robust and industry standard Enterprise applications in Java. Hi, Welcome back to my another article on Java, Have you ever heard about Spring/Spring MVC in Java? One of the Most Popular Application Framework for building Java Enterprise Applications.

Spring mvc + hibernate todolist app